

to fine dining Kornati experience

We are located

Smokvica Vela Island Kornati National Park


Smokvica Vela Island lies in the Kornati National Park southwest of Cape Opat on the island of Kornati. It covers an area of 1.04 km². The length of the coastline is 6.17 km. The highest peak Veli vrh is 95 m high.

Taste Of The Mediterranean

from our kitchen

Fusion cuisine


Our food recipes are very original, although they originated from traditional Dalmatian cuisine. Our plates are always presented in a contemporary and creative way. The freshness and quality of our ingredients that are minimally processed in the kitchen in order to preserve their original features.


fresh & hight quality

From the beginning we have set the scale high on Kornati gastronomic scene. Excellent service is very important for us. The menu is based on authentic Mediterranean cuisine, and special emphasis are placed on fresh hight quality fish and other ingredients.


Andrija Kero

Feel free to discover the place that serves quality home cooking at good price. Our team led by MasterChef Andrija Kero will take you through unforgettable Mediterranean and Dalmatian gastronomic journey.

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Taste Kornati

Putem razvojne strategije FLAG-a „Galeb“, Mjere 1.2.1. „Jačanje konkurentnosti proizvoda ribarstva i akvakulture“ ugostiteljsko-ribarskom obrtu Meštralada sa sjedištem u uvali Smokvici Vela, NP Kornati je dodijeljeno 47.620,00 kn bespovratnih sredstava za opremanje ugostiteljskog objekta. Sredstva će se koristiti za nabavu opreme za pripremu, obradu ,očuvanje, skladištenje i prezentaciju morskih plodova. Ugostiteljsko-ribarski obrt Meštralada je prvi kupac ribe temeljem Zakona o morskom ribarstvu (NN 14719).
Odluku o odabiru projekta je donio FLAG „Galeb“, a Odluku o dodjeli sredstava Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Uprava ribarstva u srpnju 2020. godine. Nabava opreme sufinancirana je sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo kroz Operativni program za pomorstvo i ribarstvo.