A passion for cooking...

Where we are

We are located on one of the most beautiful island in the Kornati National Park, on the Smokvica Vela island, after which we named our tavern. The island of Smokvica Vela is located southwest of Cape Opat on the island of Kornat.

Open all day

We are open all day, from April until November. You can enjoy relaxed dining in a quiet environment, perfect for a light breakfast, lunch or for an unforgettable dinner.

Open type kitchen

We will serve you the daily catch of fresh fish; hand-picked vegetables; fruit from local garden; home-made local islands extra virgin olive oil. It’s very traditional, Kornati menu – always fresh, and with highest quality ingredients.


We have provided a berth for several boats, with 2-3m of depth and electricity
and water connections.


Cooking is more than just preparing a meal.
It’s about taking pleasure in it,
about choosing the ingredients,
and thinking carefully about what fits the season, the time,
what people fancy, or the mood.

It's time to enjoy...

Andrija Kero

MasterChef & OWnEr

“Creativity in cooking for me is presentation taste of meal as a symphony of nature around me, playing with what is edible but simple and raw. Inspiration is derived when people appreciate your work and love the food you have prepared.”

Putem razvojne strategije FLAG-a „Galeb“, Mjere 1.2.1. „Jačanje konkurentnosti proizvoda ribarstva i akvakulture“ ugostiteljsko-ribarskom obrtu Meštralada sa sjedištem u uvali Smokvici Vela, NP Kornati je dodijeljeno 47.620,00 kn bespovratnih sredstava za opremanje ugostiteljskog objekta. Sredstva će se koristiti za nabavu opreme za pripremu, obradu ,očuvanje, skladištenje i prezentaciju morskih plodova. Ugostiteljsko-ribarski obrt Meštralada je prvi kupac ribe temeljem Zakona o morskom ribarstvu (NN 14719).
Odluku o odabiru projekta je donio FLAG „Galeb“, a Odluku o dodjeli sredstava Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Uprava ribarstva u srpnju 2020. godine. Nabava opreme sufinancirana je sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo kroz Operativni program za pomorstvo i ribarstvo.